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Compost can greatly reduce the amount of organic waste, and the resulting compost can be used for agricultural and horticultural purposes. About 50% of all domestic waste is organic materials. Due to the increasing popularity of degradable products (packaging materials, disposable tableware and plates, etc.), this proportion will continue to rise in the future.

Compostable Industry Label

Packaging or products with a compostable industrial label are guaranteed to be degradable in an industrial composting plant. This applies to all ingredients, inks and additives. The only reference point for the certification scheme is the unified EN 13432: 2000 standard: In any case, any product with a compostable mark meets the requirements of the EU Packaging Directive (94/62/EEC).


Seedling logo

TÜV Austria (the original business belongs to Vincotte) is a European bioplastic certification body that can grant seedling marks to products that comply with EN 13432. By issuing compostable certificates and seedling marks, TÜV Austrian certificate holders can allow their compostable products to be recognized throughout the European market.

Seedling logo

Compostable household label

Due to the relatively small amount of waste involved, the temperature in the garden compost pile is significantly lower than that of the industrial compost environment and is unstable. This is why composting in the garden is a more difficult, slow-paced process. TÜV Austria's innovative answer to this challenge is to develop home compost to ensure complete biodegradability, according to specific requirements, or even compost in your garden.